The horse flew up to join the gods, and was caught by the goddess Athena, daughter to Zeus. Athena tamed Pegasus with a golden bridle. At Mount Helicon, Pegasus started the famous spring of Hippocrene flowing with a single kick. Hippocrene was said to have been the source of all poetic inspiration. Athena later made her beloved Pegasus, the Winged Horse, into a constellation.
Windy flew up to join the mosh-pit called "run-in," and was caught by the farmer, husband of the horse lover. The farmer threatened to tame Windy with a golden bullet. At Mount Canoga, Windy started the famous spring of the "Farmer's Cussing" flowing with a single kick that exploded the gate post and all of its accoutrements. The "Farmer's Cussing" was said to be the source of all poetic frustration. The horse lover made her beloved Windy, the blow-hard horse, into a conflagration.